Essay due 3/10: Using Emmett Till's mother, Mamie Till Mobley as an example, discuss the qualities of a strong woman. The essay should be 250-500 words min. Visit and also Stanley Nelson also directed a film on Emmett Till.
English 201: Read the essay on Erica Abrams in CoM. Her mother Elaine Brown thinks she did a horrible job as a parent. Do you think she's too hard on herself? (You don't have to write a summary. I just want you to have a context to talk about Mrs. Till-Mobley.)
Extra Credit: Watch the six-part series on the white family who is camouflaged as black and the black family who is camouflaged as white. The show starts tonight, March 8, 10 p.m. on FX. You can make weekly entries or you can watch the entire series then analyze what issues came up for the participants around race, class and power, and how this is uniquely American.
Watch the film Crash this weekend. Everyone will be assigned their character to analyze in an essay. The question is: How is race an indicator of privilege or power? What does your character change to make him or herself more powerful? Does it work?
What role does your character carry in the story? What is his or her argument?
All Classes: Please email me a copy of your Love Essay. I want to put them in a book. I need them no later than Friday, March 17. Please send to
Out and about: Breaking Rank: Women of Color Soldiers Speak Out! The program is tonight, March 8, 6:30-9 p.m. at the First Unitarian Church, 685 14th Street, Oakland. For information visit or call(510)444-2700.
On Friday, March 10, 8:30-2:30 you can attend the "Sustainable Peralta Initiative" Conference at Laney College. If you go and write about it, you can have an excused absence. I will be showing the Oprah show where she hosted the Crash cast. We will have our midterm on Wednesday-Thursday, March 15-16. Students can bring in outlines, a thesis sentence, notes, and any other support materials such as film reviews, analysis or articles you'd like to cite.
Laney is also hosting a series of events for Women's Herstory Month. The Vagina Monologues are being performed Thursday-Friday, March 9-10. Visit