English -- Wanda Sabir

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CoA Spring '06
Sunday, 02/04/2006
Teacher Favorites
You are such great writers that sometimes I ask for copies of work. Please post those essays here. Again indicate the assignment, date of assignment, and the grade history, which means what you did specifically to boost the grade.

If any of you have missed a lot of assignments, you can still pass the course. Come see me at my office hours, between classes MWF -- 12-1 p.m., or call me (510) 748-2131 and/or e-mail me wanda_sabir@yahoo.com.


Posted by englishcoa at 11:17 AM PST
Updated: Sunday, 02/04/2006 11:35 AM PST
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Monday, 03/04/2006 - 1:57 PM PDT

Name: Helen

Ms. Sabir, As with many of your assignments, they come in a torrent, and then are whimsically repeated or dropped from the list. You asked me to forward copies of some of my work on mid-term day, which I did on mid-term day. Now I should post them here? Even if I knew how to do that I would be disinclined. I am more than a little confused about what it is you REALLY want.

Monday, 03/04/2006 - 3:30 PM PDT

Name: K

In Ralph David Abernathy III, he is the son of Ralph David Abernathy Sr...The father was a big Civil Rights. Ralph’s meanness isn’t just a unsuccessful misfortune and some of the
Conviction of the truth of some statements never to gain the recognition they have, exceptionally for Martian Luther King’s family. Ralph’s impatience did not agree with the public and between the two families and understanding of the relationship.
The night that Martian Luther King, Jr. was gun down in the town of Memphis, Dr. King to make known that the audience the Ralph David Abernathy Sr. was “my best friend in the whole world”. When Abernathy Sr. was with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in 1955 his public career started with the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Ralph David Abernathy III went to go with Dr. King though almost entirely all of Martin Luther King’s Campaigns. In 1968, Ralph David Abernathy III to place a dying man Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in Ralph David Abernathy III’s hands after the shooting of the balcony of a Memphis Hotel.

Ralph’s early political career unfolded with out an occurrence Four years later, in 1992, David Abernathy got elected to the Georgia Senate. But Ralph made the headlines news and in January of 1994 Ralph David III was to call upon officially and punish for leading the officers on a high speed chase. Also, in 1997 Customs officers at a Hartsfield Intentional Airport and searched thoroughly though Mr. Abernathy III’s bagged and being out of sight but found marijuana in underwear in the luggage. When Ralph David Abernathy was disqualified from running for the state senate set and he was also to reclaim; the $400 hundred dollar check that he paid for qualifying fee that had bounced. Later in on December 1999, County Superior Court of Fulton and the jury found that Ralph David Abernathy was guilty of stealing and to commit $5700 dollars in state resources and involution of his oat in office. Ralph David Abernathy III was to cause to suffer to himself by doing all these actions. Ralph David Abernathy was sent to prison for four years and Mr. Abernathy served only sixteen months in prison.
A Georgia parole board found that Ralph David Abernathy guilty of steeling 35,000 dollars from two women after likely to succeed or to yield good results to win the release of there loved ones from prison. The Georgia law however prohibits anyone other than a layer from receiving fees to speak on their behalf of inmates before there parole board.

Wednesday, 19/04/2006 - 3:33 PM PDT

Name: Wanda Sabir

Hi Helen:

If I asked you for something specifically then this is where you post it. The midterms need to be posted at that link, and the love essays at that assignment link. I went over this in class, I don't know if you were absent or left early. I even told students how to copy and paste.

This is not a cyber course, so if you are not clear please ask the question. I have not dropped any assignments. Everything is still applicable.

I am trying to be flexible, re: your request for less essays from the book so you could concentrate on your research essay.



Wednesday, 19/04/2006 - 3:36 PM PDT

Name: Wanda Sabir

If you don't list your name and class, I can't give you credit for responding. Who are you and what grade did you receive on the assignment?

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