I hope everyone had a relaxing Spring Recess. I was surprised to note, only three students posted their essays. Of the three, only one person identified herself. If you don't tell me who you are, I can't give you credit; also students were supposed to indicate what draft the paper was and the grade.
Get to it people: Love essay, Midterm, and CoM or RFR essays.
The research essay is due next week. The outline was due Thursday or Friday, April 27 or 28, but there is no school 4/27 and I am at a conference 4/28. Arrange to have a teacher critique your essay next week, sign it and then revise your essay with his or her comments in mind. I will not take essays that do not have a teacher/tutor's signature with comments.
Have the teacher or tutor look at your thesis, support, essay structure, coherence and logic. This draft is due, Monday or Tuesday, May 1 or 2.
It's your responsibility to keep up with dates. If one slips by and the assignment is not in, your grade suffers.
I will not take any research essays past the due date, so plan accordingly. One student in English 201 has completed his essay. I will ask him to post it after I read and grade it.
For the rest of the semester, English 201 will focus on completing the rest of WWT and CoM. We will apply some of the strategies learned in WWT in essays from CoM.
English 1A: we will practice creating and defending arguments; and perhaps look further at reasonable or rational thinking. Also, students will be encouraged to polish their skills where weak so they are prepared for further adventures.
The portfolio checklist is coming soon. I'm still working on the cyber-version of this. I'll keep you posted.
If you have any questions ask them, please, then look here for my response.
Posted by englishcoa
at 4:14 PM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 19/04/2006 4:32 PM PDT