Greetings Students!
There are just two weeks left! Wow! Congratulations to those who made it! Remember, now is the time to begin assembling your assignments to see what grade you are planning to argue for in your portfolio. This week, I will show you examples of portfolios of other students, as well as, post a portfolio checklist so you can know what essay assignments you will need to include in this document due on the day of finals.
On the day of finals, you will also present your research essay. If you have chosen a topic shared with another classmate, you can present together. There are a few of you who have the same topic: Diane Howell, Cecil Williams, Maya Angelou, Bill Gates.
I thought it might be fun to have just one final meeting the week of finals, if we could find a date compatible in the F-Building where everyone could present at once over a 2-3 hour period.
The introduction to the portfolio asks students to think about the semester and what skills and/or knowledge have they gained which they plan to use in their lifelong pursuit of knowledge and education.
Essay 2 has students look at the writing process and discuss their own writing process: the topics chosen, the information used, revision strategies, writing as a process. This should include a definition of the difference between editing and revising and a value statement on the place for both in composition.
I am really interested in discourse about audience and how that shapes or determines how the writer approaches her topic.
I am also interested in discussion of the revision process, and whether or not seeing writing as a work in progress or a draft, liberates or stagnates the creative process. (Students are to use examples from their writing to illustrate these points.)
I'd also like students to think about and gives at three specific ways how they have grown as writers and thinkers this semester.
We have had great discussions and peers review sessions in English 201 10-11 a.m. and English 1A 5-9 p.m. over the past week. Students have given great feedback and the essays are getting visibly better, especially students who have taken feedback, gone to the Writing Center, L-234, and gotten assistance before the next peer review, students like Roy, Angie, and Wanna.
All research essays have to have to have a signature and comments in response to specific questions (3) students develop, from a teacher in the Writing Center before submission this week.
Suggestions for questions: "Was the concluding paragraph a bit dull? Did the introduction take to long to present the thesis statement? Should I use another clarifying example or two?" Are there any grammatical errors which distract or confuse you? (WWT p.222)
Tailor your questions to fit your concerns about your paper.
Posted by englishcoa
at 9:45 AM PDT