English -- Wanda Sabir

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CoA Spring '06
Tuesday, 07/02/2006
Week of February 6-February 10
Greetings Students:

I hope the month is going well for you. I'm
not seeing many of you at my office hours on Wednesdays, 3-5, L-236, or on Fridays, L-236, 2-4.
Remember I do have a floating hour; if you need to meet with me on another day, we can arrange it.

I will be out this Friday, so call (510) 748-2131 or e-mail me if you have any questions. Don't forget to leave a phone number.



PS Don't forget to set your dial for all the great PBS (Channel 9) programming. Also there's some great theatre at: Berkeley Rep: Nine Parts of Desire (about women in Iraq), Walkin' Talkin' Bill Hawkins at the Marsh-Gaia Center, Berkeley (about a man who never knew his dad, a famous DJ in Cleveland), Gem of the Ocean at ACT (first chronologically in August Wilson's 10-play series on Black American history). Visit www.sfbayview.com "Wanda's Picks" for all the news.

Posted by englishcoa at 12:27 PM PST
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Sunday, 29/01/2006
Week of January 30-February 4
Assignments: Tuesday, January 31, watch President Bush's State of the Union Address. Below I have copied a preview piece about what he might cover in his address.

In a narrative essay response: analyze the speech. Consider: What is his thesis? What are Bush's key points? What evidence supports these claims? Are you convinced? Why or why not?

Media savvy student take into consideration the president's's motives: Is his aim altruistic or selfish? What are his motives, what does he have to gain or lose from each issue he proposes?

All level classes respond in 250-500 words. The essay is due for 201 students on Wednesday. For English 1A students at the next class meeting.

If you have immediate comments, please post them here for peer response.


Posted by englishcoa at 12:04 PM PST
Updated: Saturday, 11/02/2006 8:49 AM PST
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Friday, 27/01/2006
Greetings and welcome to the site!
Topic: CoA Spring '06
This blog is an opportunity for Sabir's English classes this semester to develop a cyber-writing community. Please feel free to ask questions about assignments and make comment regarding posts by others.

Indicate which class you are in, so appropriate students can respond, e.g., English 1A or English 201.

Keep your comments professional and courteous and strictly business.

Happy Writing,


Posted by englishcoa at 4:57 PM PST
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